Traumatic Brain Injuries After a Trucking Accident in Pennsylvania
Common TBIs After a Tractor Trailer Accident: Explained by Our Trucking Accident Lawyers in Pennsylvania Motor vehicle accidents involving large trucks are different than any other type of motor vehicle crash. This is because trucking accidents involving large commercial vehicles such as semi-tractor trailers, big rigs, 18 wheelers, flatbeds, and other box trucks generate significant […]
Medical Malpractice in Nursing Home Care
It’s difficult to know what to do if your family member suffered harm in a nursing home. In fact, it could be nearly impossible to get answers from the facility, let alone seek justice. You may be getting the runaround from staff or physicians. But your loved one is hurting, and you have a right […]
Clergy Abuse Victims, Once Barred from Filing Suit, May Now Seek Justice
A woman who was sexually abused as a child by clergy member, Reverend Charles Bodziak of St. Leo’s Church was previously barred from seeking justice, because the time period for her to file her lawsuit had expired. Because Bodziak allegedly molested Renée Rice in the 1970s and 80s, the trial court dismissed her lawsuit based […]
Catholic Church Sex Abuse Survivors’ Compensation Program
The Pennsylvania Archdiocese has created the “Survivors’ Compensation Program” – also referred to as the “The Archdiocese of Philadelphia Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program (“IRRP”) – in the wake of the grand jury investigation into clergy sex abuse in the state. If you are a victim of abuse by a clergy member and received a […]
Questions About Homeowner Liability at Events
I will be hosting an event. Who are the responsible parties regarding drinking and driving? What if someone gets into an accident after the party? If the party is at a restaurant and bar, is my liability the same? Who are the responsible parties now? Unfortunately, there are a number of potential pitfalls and risks […]
Talc Ovarian Cancer Risk: Johnson & Johnson Powders Linked to Cancer
Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder and Shower to Shower Powder contain talc, which has been proven to cause cancer, especially in women. It’s important that women who used these products understand the possible talc ovarian cancer risk. If you have received an ovarian cancer diagnosis after regularly using baby powder, contact an experienced lawyer right […]
The Truth About Wrongful Death Settlements
The death of a loved one is even more traumatic when the death happens in an accident that was caused by someone else. The time following the loss of a loved one in a wrongful death accident can be confusing and overwhelming. You are suddenly left with funeral arrangements to handle, bills to pay without […]
Deadly Heart Surgery Device Infections at WellSpan York Hospital
Four patients are dead, four others infected and at least 1,300 more put at risk for a deadly heart surgery device infections. The problem is allegedly stemming from a device used to heat and cool a patient’s blood during open-heart surgery at WellSpan York Hospital in York, PA. “We weren’t following [cleaning instructions for the […]
Subrogation: Medical Insurance and PA Car Accident Claims
PA Car Accident Claims Information: Has Your Health Insurance Sent You a Bill for Your PA Car Crash? When you went to the hospital after your accident, you were asked for your health insurance card. Your medical bills were sent to your medical insurance company and the insurance company paid your claim. Now your health […]
Choosing an Attorney for Your Pennsylvania Accident Claim
You were injured in a Pennsylvania car accident and you need a lawyer. How do you find the right lawyer for your case? A google search on “Pennsylvania car crash lawyer” will produce an overwhelming 1,400,000 results. Some of the names may be familiar from billboards, yellow page ads, and late night TV commercials. But, […]