If you were a victim of sexual abuse in the Pennsylvania Dioceses, you are likely wondering about your legal rights. With all the stories and information coming from the media, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers has opened a free 24/7 hotline to inform you about your rights and your options. Consider talking to our Pennsylvania Catholic church sex abuse lawyers about your situation.

Time Limits to Take Action and Protect Your Rights
Victims often ask: “I was abused many years ago. Can I still bring a case?”
The best thing to do is speak with a knowledgeable lawyer right away. He or she can review the facts of your situation and explain your options.
Pennsylvania is working to change the laws to better protect sex abuse victims. Senate Bill 261 would eliminate the time limit for prosecutions and extend the limit to file a civil suit to age 50. Senate Bill 540 would eliminate the statute of limitations for sexual abuse, assault and misconduct victims whose abuse happened at any age. The bill would also provide a two-year window to revive civil claims that previously expired based on the statute of limitations. Finally, it would allow a six-month extension for survivors who wish to voluntarily settle their claim outside of court.
The grand jury report that initially accused more than 300 “predator priests” from Pennsylvania Catholic dioceses noted that: “No piece of legislation can predict the point at which a victim of child sex abuse will find the strength to come forward.” Lawmakers are looking to hold that door open for victims until they are ready.
It’s important that victims seek legal representation to receive the most up-to-date information about seeking justice.
Why Hire Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyersyer
For more than 25 years, Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers has been successfully representing Pennsylvanians who were abused or harmed. We have handled more than 25,000 personal injury claims across Pennsylvania, including child and elder abuse cases. We have successfully held institutions of all sizes accountable for wrong doing and in some cases, obtained millions of dollars in additional punitive damages intended to punish wrongdoers or those acting criminally.
Call Our Pennsylvania Catholic Church Sex Abuse Attorneys
We welcome you to call our hotline to discuss your legal rights. A compassionate, experienced member of our legal team will listen to your story and explain whether you are eligible to seek justice for the abuse you suffered. Reach out to our Pennsylvania Catholic church sex abuse lawyers today.