About Us

About Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers

The Pennsylvania based personal injury attorneys at Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers® have been nationally recognized for recovering tens of millions of dollars for injury victims from most states in the US. We have fought for our clients against negligent and reckless car, bus and truck drivers.

Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers® represents victims who are seriously injured or killed in automobile accidents, bus crashes and truck wrecks. We have won many cases on behalf of those injured because of construction accidents, fracking site incidents, medical malpractice, slip and fall accidents and dog bites and attacks. Our goal is to hold those who cause injury responsible for their actions and to get the most money possible for our clients.

Choose a Personal Injury Attorney
Who Works For YOU

Select a personal injury lawyer who makes you a priority. Select a law firm with the experience and knowledge
to aggressively represent you and get top dollar for your personal injury case. Here's what makes Ostroff Injury
Law® different from other law firms:


If the insurance company wants to settle your case, they must pay you what they should. If not, we know how to fight and win, and YOU'LL get more than THEY bargained for.

Aggressive Representation

We know that your accident has changed your life. You need help now. That's why we created the 30 days to settleoprogram, a unique program designed to get you paid sooner!


The personal injury attorneys at Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers® have more than100 years of combined experience handling personal injury claims. We know what your case is worth and we know how to get you the settlement you deserve. We have a team of personal injury lawyers with expertise in building and preparing your case for a strong settlement prior to suing. We have another team of personal injury lawyers with expertise in handling your case from the time we sue, until we either settle your case for the right amount or successfully present your case to a jury.

We Love Limited Tort Cases

If your insurer has rejected your claim because you have limited tort, call us. The Limited Tort Lawyers at Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers® have helped over 25,000 accident victims over the past 25 years, many of whom had limited tort. We have written the book on Limited Tort. We have fought for limited tort clients and made new law by winning cases on appeal.


Our attorneys get results. Many of our clients have had their cases turned down by other law firms before they call us. We have recovered millions of dollars for these clients. We have negotiated some of the largest personal injury settlements in Pennsylvania for our clients. visit our case results page to learn about our recent recoveries.

We Are Here For You

All of our clients have full access to our lawyers. We will leave you our cell number and encourage you to call anytime you have a question about your case.

No Recovery / No-Fee—You pay
us only after we win your case.

Schedule your free consultation. Our lawyers are happy to discuss your case. No pressure, no obligation to commit. Give us 30 minutes, and we will tell you how we can help you and schedule a meeting with one of our lawyers. Talk to a lawyer today.


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