Lewisburg Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

After a severe injury, you will have to deal with unexpected medical bills, missed time at work, and various other losses. In many cases, you can recover fully over time with proper medical care. However, when an injury impacts the spinal cord, the effects are often serious and permanent.

The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves running from the brain down through the spine. When it is damaged, a spinal cord injury results in a life filled with pain, limitation, debilitation, and disability. If you are dealing with this type of condition, call a Lewisburg spinal cord injury lawyer at Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers. Our skilled attorneys will fight to recover the money you deserve from the person responsible for your injury.

The Severity of Spinal Cord Damage

The nervous system allows the brain to send signals throughout your body and receive sensory information from the body parts. When the spinal cord is damaged in an accident, those signals can be permanently cut off, resulting in paralysis and loss of body function.

The severity of a spinal cord injury will depend on the location of the damage and how “complete” the injury is. Injuries higher up the spine and closer to the neck cause paralysis in more parts of the body. These injuries cut off more of the body from communication with the brain. Lower injuries may cause “paraplegia,” or paralysis in the legs and groin, while injuries at the neck may cause “quadriplegia” in the legs, groin, back, chest, and arms.

If a spinal cord injury is “complete,” that means the spinal cord has been completely cut in two at the injury site. No signals can travel to or from the brain below that point again. “Incomplete” injuries occur when the spinal cord is slightly torn or twisted. These conditions can sometimes heal over time with years of medical treatment and physical therapy. No matter the severity of your spinal injury, your Lewisburg attorney can pursue payment for all the losses you suffer because of the incident.

Recovering Money for a Spine Injury

Because spinal cord injuries are usually permanent, a lawsuit should cover both short-term and long-term damages. This could include:

  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emergency medical bills and future care costs
  • Costs of necessary medical equipment like wheelchairs
  • Costs of modifying a home or vehicle—for example, building ramps over outdoor stairs that wheelchairs can travel over
  • Lost ability to work and/or lost future wages
  • Emotional distress and loss of life’s pleasures

However, there are strict time limits for spinal injury lawsuits, so contacting a lawyer at Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers should be a priority. The sooner you reach out, the sooner our seasoned attorneys can begin fighting for you.

Talk to a Lewisburg Spinal Cord Injury Attorney Today

Far too many people in Pennsylvania suffer severe spine injuries in preventable accidents. If you or a loved one were harmed by another person’s misconduct, call the winning Lewisburg spinal cord injury lawyers at our firm. We have a long track record of success fighting for injured victims like you. For instance, we recovered $450,000 from an insurance company in a settlement for a client in a local county who required spinal fusion surgery due to injuries sustained in a car accident, despite the minor impact of the crash.

In many other cases, our clients’ injuries to the neck and back required the surgical installation of a spinal cord stimulator for the management of chronic pain. Injuries to the spinal column or vertebrae are serious – the experienced attorneys at Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers know how to stop insurance companies from denying or delaying your claim. Give us a call today to learn how we can support you, represent you, and help you obtain the compensation you deserve for your spinal injuries.