Car Accidents

Fright Night: Tips for Preventing a Halloween Pedestrian Accident

Fright Night: Tips for Preventing a Halloween Pedestrian Accident

Halloween is the Most Dangerous Night of the Year for Child Pedestrians Are your children looking forward to Halloween? Many children consider Halloween their favorite night of the year. They can’t wait to put on their costumes and knock on neighbors’ doors. For them, the night is all about fun and candy. A few ghosts […]


Pennsylvania Deer Car Accident: Issues and Tips

Pennsylvania Deer Car Accident: Issues and Tips

Who Pays After a Deer Car Accident? Do you know what the most dangerous animal in the United States is? It isn’t a grizzly bear. It’s not a cougar. It isn’t even a rattle snake. It’s a deer. We tend to think of deer as harmless. But, deer cause more deaths than any other species […]


Fall Motorcycle Accident Hazards

Fall Motorcycle Accident Hazards

Fall is the Season for Pumpkin Lattes, Fall Color, and Motorcycle Crashes Pennsylvania has the most beautiful fall foliage in the nation. If you are a motorcyclist, you may think that autumn is a perfect time for a motorcycle trip. What better place to enjoy the beauty of our maples, birches, buckeyes and oaks than […]


Injured in a Pennsylvania Left Turn Accident?

Injured in a Pennsylvania Left Turn Accident?

Determining Fault in a Pennsylvania Left Turn Accident If you’ve played with the settings on your GPS, you may have noticed that there’s an option to minimize left turns. This might seem strange, but the fact is that a left turn is considered one of the most dangerous driving maneuvers.  When a driver makes a […]


PA Limited Tort Doesn’t Always “Limit” Your Recovery

PA Limited Tort Doesn’t Always “Limit” Your Recovery

Many clients with a limited tort policy are under the impression that they won’t be able to make a recovery, but this is often not true.


What happens if I am in an accident and the vehicle whose driver was at fault is either uninsured or left the scene of the accident?

What happens if I am in an accident and the vehicle whose driver was at fault is either uninsured or left the scene of the accident?

What happens if I am in an accident and the vehicle whose driver was at fault is either uninsured or left the scene of the accident? Answer:  This is a great question. Unfortunately, it happens—more commonly that the person who hurt you has no liability insurance than that he or she left the scene of […]


If I were a passenger in a car and the family member was at fault for causing the accident, can I make a claim and get insurance money?

If I were a passenger in a car and the family member was at fault for causing the accident, can I make a claim and get insurance money?

The short answer to this one, in most cases, is yes. But you know we are lawyers, so we can’t possibly stop with a one word answer.  Doesn’t seem right.  And you really don’t expect it.  The law of Pennsylvania does not recognize the familial relation as a bar or impediment to a liability lawsuit.  A liability […]


May is Pennsylvania’s Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

May is Pennsylvania’s Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month may be more important than ever with the number of registered motorcycle drivers rising in Pennsylvania. Over the past decade, the number of motorcyclists in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has increased by more than 50%. From 2011 to 2012 the number increased more than 10%. Last year, there were 854,493 registered […]


5 Tips for Driving Safely in Pennsylvania Fog

5 Tips for Driving Safely in Pennsylvania Fog

Fog may not make the roads slippery, but it is still a weather hazard that can cause significant accident injuries. Accordingly, it is important for motorists to follow these tips for driving safely in Pennsylvania fog: Slow down in the fog. Keep your headlines on, but with low beams. High beams will reflect back against […]


3 Reasons Not to Text and Drive in Pennsylvania

3 Reasons Not to Text and Drive in Pennsylvania

3 Reasons Not to Text and Drive! The dangers of texting and driving are well known and in recent years have been well publicized. Yet, texting and driving is still causing accidents in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Before you reach for your phone the next time that you are behind the wheel, our personal injury […]