New Developments in Pennsylvania Distracted Driving Legislation
Last week, the Pennsylvania Senate voted, 41- 8, to: Ban handheld cell phones while driving. This includes holding a cell phone to talk, text, surf the web, and check e-mail. Drivers would still be able to talk on the phone while driving if using a hands free device, unless they are under age 18 in […]
Allentown Cell Phone Ordinance Overturned
As an accidental death lawyer, I am concerned about the current lack of distracted driving laws in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania currently does not have a distracted driving law that prohibits texting while driving or any other form of cell phone use while driving. Some municipalities had enacted ordinances to deal with the problem. Allentown and Bethlehem […]
How Many Teens are Driving Distracted?
We talk a lot about the dangers of distracted driving and with good reason. Distracted driving can be deadly. We’ve analyzed a lot of statistics that come out from various sources in an attempt to understand how best to combat the problem of distracted driving in Pennsylvania. Of all the distracted driving statistics we’ve read, […]