A hit and run accident happens when someone flees the scene of a crash without stopping to render aid or give you their insurance information. This can make it difficult to recover the compensation you deserve for the harm you should’ve never experienced.
After a collision with an unidentified driver, reach out to the experienced attorneys at Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers. A Blue Bell hit and run accident lawyer at our firm can advise you on navigating the insurance process and ensure you get paid fairly for your losses. In one case, we represented a passenger in a car that got sideswiped by a truck. Although the truck operator fled the scene, we identified them through witness statements and won a $100,000 settlement on our client’s behalf.
Unique Aspects of Accidents With Unidentified Drivers
In a typical car accident case, you have another person’s insurance to rely on to cover some of your damages. Whether it’s a limited or full tort, they will at least pay something.
When the other driver flees the accident scene, you only have your own insurance to rely on. In these situations, it’s important to have uninsured motorist coverage to take care of outstanding medical bills, property damage, and other losses. Regardless of your insurance, our Blue Bell lawyers can advise you on recovering compensation after a hit and run collision.
Recoverable Damages in Hit and Run Cases
Depending on your insurance coverage, the basic recovery after a hit and run would be economic damages. This includes anything you paid out-of-pocket, outstanding medical bills, property damage, and lost wages if you took time off work due to your injuries.
If you have full tort coverage, or if you have limited tort and your attorney can show that you sustained a serious bodily injury or impairment of bodily function, you would also be entitled to pain and suffering damages. This compensates you for your physical pain and limitations on daily activities.
Punitive Damages
The only time punitive damages would be available in a hit and run case is if the other driver is caught, particularly if they were participating in illegal activities when the collision occurred. For instance, if the driver were street racing when they hit you and fled the scene, punitive damages may apply due to their complete disregard for others’ safety.
What Should I Do After a Hit and Run in Blue Bell?
Anyone involved in a hit and run accident should call the police right after the crash. You should report the collision and get the police involved as early as possible. It’s also crucial to seek medical assistance if needed for any injuries.
After seeking treatment and contacting the police, you should consult a local attorney experienced in handling hit and run accidents. Legal counsel can help alleviate your stress and confusion by handling every aspect of your case while you focus on recovering. At Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers, we can advise you on whether you have uninsured motorist coverage under your policy and help you negotiate with your insurance company to ensure you are paid fairly for your injuries and losses.
Contact Our Blue Bell Attorneys After a Hit and Run Collision
Getting hit by a driver who flees the scene is terrifying. Even worse, knowing where to turn for the compensation you need to cover your losses can be challenging. In these situations, you need a Blue Bell hit and run accident lawyer to advise you and fight for your best interests.
Our legal team will help you navigate your claim, get the necessary medical treatment, and ensure you receive the benefits you deserve under your medical coverage and auto policy. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation about your case.