Bedsores in Allentown Nursing Homes

Blood is constantly flowing through every part of the human body, including just under the surface of the skin. When someone sits or lies in the same position for a very long time, usually because they’re physically incapable of getting up or turning over on their own, the flow of blood through their skin may get interrupted. When compression of the skin is combined with friction against clothes or bed sheets and moisture, it sometimes leads to an open sore developing in the affected area.

Bedsores, as these injuries are called, are often very painful in the early stages and potentially deadly in later stages if infection sets in. Unfortunately, bedsores in Allentown nursing homes are more common than you might think, and if someone you love has developed one as a result of neglect or abuse by nursing home staff, you may have grounds to file a lawsuit over the matter on their behalf. Reach out to our nursing home abuse attorney to discuss your legal options.

What Are the Stages of Bedsore Development?

Bedsores most commonly appear on parts of the body that are most likely to have pressure put on them when a nursing home resident in Allentown is sitting or lying down, such as:

  • The back of the skull
  • The shoulder blades
  • The elbows
  • The hips, tailbone, or buttocks
  • The back of the thighs or knees
  • The back of the heels or ankles

When a bedsore first starts to develop, the affected area may look like a normal bruise, and it may also be itchy and warm to the touch. If the bedsore is allowed to progress from this first stage to the second stage of development, that bruise may turn into a discolored open sore, which resembles a blister and is very painful to the person experiencing it.

At Stage 3, a bedsore gets much deeper and bigger, and there may be dark patches around the edges of the sore. Finally, Stage 4 bedsores penetrate all the way through the skin to damage muscles, joint tissue, and even bones. They very often lead to life-threatening blood (sepsis) or bone infections (osteomyelitis).

How Bedsores Can Develop Inside Nursing Homes

Beyond just being unable to move, other things that may increase someone’s risk of developing a bedsore include:

  • Diabetes
  • Problems with circulation
  • Problems with incontinence
  • Not getting enough food or water
  • Age

Unfortunately, nursing home residents are especially likely to have one or more of these issues in addition to being unable to care for themselves on a daily basis. Any Allentown nursing home that inadvertently or intentionally allows a resident to sit or lie in the same position for long enough to develop a bedsore might hold civil liability for that injury and every negative effect it has on the resident suffering from it.

An Allentown Attorney Can Help You Sue Over a Nursing Home Bedsore

Bedsores in Allentown nursing homes can progress quickly from one stage to the next, and not all bedsores look exactly the same as other ones at the same stage. Regardless, seeing a bedsore at any stage of development should prompt you to seek professional medical attention for the person affected by it.

Once the bedsore is properly treated, a seasoned lawyer can help you demand fair financial restitution for medical bills, personal property damage, physical and psychological suffering, and more. Call us today to discuss your legal options.