
The Start of a Safer Year on Pennsylvania Roads?

The Start of a Safer Year on Pennsylvania Roads?

Pennsylvania State Police have released accident information for the recent four day New Year’s holiday weekend. The results indicate a slight drop in holiday fatalities and injuries when compared to the 2010-2011 New Year’s Period.

Over the 2011-2012 New Year’s holiday weekend:

  • State Police responded to 552 crashes. That is down from 693 accidents over the 2010-2011 New Year’s holiday period.
  • 10 people died compared to 11 people last year.
  • 172 people were injured compared to 220 people last year.
  • 79 of the crashes were alcohol related.
  • 285 arrests were made for driving under the influence.
  • 3,408 speeding tickets were issued.

As a PA auto accident lawyer, I hope that this trend of fewer accidents, fewer injuries and fewer fatalities continues throughout 2012 and I wish everyone a Happy and Safe New Year.