Important New Group Forms in PA
A Chambersburg parent has taken the initiative and is fighting back against distracted driving. Pamela Rajtik recently formed the group Parents Against Texting Teens (PATT). The purpose of this non-profit organization is to educate teenagers about the dangers of texting and driving.
One of the ways in which the group will educate teens is to show 10 second videos and send teens a short text during the video. The teens receiving the text would be instructed to read it when it arrives. Not all the teens would receive a text, some would be able to watch the video without distraction. The idea is to show all the teens how distracting a text may be and how dangerous it could if the activity from which it was distracting attention was driving rather than watching a video.
As a PA auto accident lawyer, I’ve seen the good that other nonprofit groups, such as MADD, have done to keep our roads safe and I wish PATT the best of luck.