
2009 Pennsylvania Accident Statistics

2009 Pennsylvania Accident Statistics

2009 may seem like a long time ago.  Yet, when it comes to compiling accident statistics from around the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania it is the most current information that we have and it is important to our future safety to understand what happened in 2009.

In 2009:

  • 121,242 crashes were reported in PA.
  • 1,256 people died in accidents.
  • 87,126 people were injured in accidents.

While the number of crashes reached a historic low, it is important to remember that there were, on average, 14 crashes an hour all year long and 1 in 44 people were involved in a Pennsylvania crash over the course of the year.

As a PA auto accident lawyer, I understand the difficulties facing the tens of thousands of accident victims and their families and I am committed to helping victims, or their survivors, recover fair settlements.  Please call me today for a free consultation.