
Is It All the Fault of the Pit Bull?

Is It All the Fault of the Pit Bull?

According to various studies, pit bulls are responsible for a disproportionate number of dog bite deaths in the United States.  For example, the Clifton study found that pitbulls, rottweilers, and their mixes caused 65 percent of dog bite deaths in the United States during a 24-year period.

Why is the Dog Aggressive?

However, as frightened as people are of pit bulls and as dangerous as the dogs may be, it may not be useful to focus too much attention on the pit bill.  It might be more useful to focus on why the pitbull is aggressive.  Does it have different training and handling needs that are not being met?  Do people expect pitbulls to be aggressive and treat them as such?

Seeking Damages for Dog Bite Deaths and Injuries

Regardless of the answers to these questions, it is important to remember that any dog can bite. Any dog can cause an injury.  There is not one specific breed that has that infamous distinction.  If a dog bit you or your child, then you may be able to seek damages.  Contact a Pennsylvania dog bite lawyer. We can give you more information about your rights.