
$7M Verdict Won in Medical Malpractice Case

$7M Verdict Won in Medical Malpractice Case

Recently, Attorney Richard Godshall represented a plaintiff in a medical malpractice case in Western Pennsylvania, and his client received $6.95 million. Attorney Godshall demonstrated to the court that his client’s healthcare providers caused a 13-month delay in his diagnosis of colorectal cancer.

Case Details

The case, Delavern v. Health Services of Clarion, was held in Clarion County Court of Common Pleas. The plaintiffs displayed their case with allegations and evidence that there were system failures in the health care facility that ultimately caused a grave misdiagnosis, and the defense stuck to medicine in this case.

The jury found that the health care professional who misdiagnosed the plaintiff to be 20% liable, the supervising doctor to be 30%, and the practice as a whole to be 50% liable for the negligence.

The breakdown of the case’s $6.95 million verdict was $3.5 million rewarded for noneconomic damages and $2 million for loss of consortium.


This case demonstrates that medical negligence does not lie solely with the individual who committed the act. The health care industry is built on the understanding that superiors and higher ups are to check the work of everyone under them because healthcare consists of an entire hospital’s ecosystem. Hospitals should learn from this and reexamine how the work of PAs and nurses is being checked by supervising doctors and how their chain of command needs to be a part of the care of each and every one of their patients.

Choose Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers

Attorney Richard Godshall proves time and time again that he truly cares and will fight against any corporation or healthcare entity for his clients. He is committed to fighting for every person who walks through his doors. Call Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers today for a free, no-obligation consultation. You won’t owe us anything until we win the compensation you deserve.