
30 Days to Settle

30 Days to Settle

The cards are stacked against unsuspecting, injured accident victims who deserve compensation. Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers is here to protect those victims with our 30 Days to Settle program.

When a person sustains serious injuries in an accident, the insurance company involved will try to take advantage of the situation. These companies know most people are unfamiliar with their legal rights and the value of their injury claim. Adjusters will act fast. Unfortunately, they manage to persuade many victims to settle for far less than what their claim is worth.

If you were injured in a car accident, the insurance company will use tactics to try to delay or avoid compensating you for your injuries. If they do pay, chances are they will reduce your settlement to far below the amount you deserve.

However, insurance companies pay almost TRIPLE in those cases in which a lawyer represents the victim.

Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers has a reputation with insurance companies. Adjusters know our firm will NOT settle a claim for less than it is worth. Our attorneys’ aggressive advocacy helps our clients receive the compensation they deserve.

Our 30 Days to Settle Program

For decades, Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers has obtained million-dollar recoveries for accident victims in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Our 30 Days to Settle program prevents insurance companies from pushing our clients around. If our firm represents you, we will give the insurance company 30 days to respond to our demand for full compensation. If the carrier won’t pay what you deserve within 30 days, we will sue them.

Our firm will fight for every dollar you are due for your pain and harm as well as your medical expenses and the wages you lost as a result of the accident.

Get a Free Consultation

If you sustained injuries in an accident, waste no time. Our attorneys know the importance of understanding your rights as soon as possible. We offer free initial consultations to accident victims like you. If we accept your case, we will give the insurance company 30 days to pay you what you deserve, or we will sue.