Pennsauken Burn Injury Lawyer

On top of being extremely painful, serious burns can also cause long-lasting disfigurement, as well as a permanent loss of sensation and movement. Put simply, they’re one of the most devastating outcomes that any kind of accident can have—and if you suffered harm like this because another person was irresponsible around you, they should be the one to pay for your injury-related losses.

As any seasoned catastrophic injury attorney can tell you, convincing a court—let alone an insurance company—of another’s responsibility is not simple. If you want to recover for the harm you unfairly suffered due to a high-degree burn, contacting and hiring a respected Pennsauken burn injury lawyer should be one of your top priorities.

Who Might Be Legally Liable for a Burn Injury?

Various accidents can result in a high degree burn injury, from car crashes to house or electrical fires to even chemical exposure on a job site. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to filing suit over one because these injuries can happen in so many different ways, and several people could potentially hold civil fault for causing it.

Take a car crash, for example, you might assume that the only person at fault for a burn injury stemming from a wreck is the negligent driver who caused the wreck in the first place, but partial fault might also lie with a mechanic who failed to make sure that negligent driver’s car was roadworthy or a manufacturer that made a car that was prone to catching on fire in crashes. The same logic applies to most other burn cases, and sorting out exactly who’s to blame for your specific injury is one of many things a skilled Pennsauken attorney can provide invaluable assistance with.

How a Burn’s Degree Can Affect a Civil Claim

Not all burn injuries are created equal. First-degree burns that affect the topmost skin layer are often so minor that they don’t require any medical treatment beyond basic first aid, which means they’re often not serious enough to warrant a lawsuit, even if they stem directly from another person’s negligence.

Second-degree and third-degree burns can cause different losses to different people depending on what part of the body is affected and even what kind of life the burn victim led—consider, for instance, the loss of working ability a disfiguring burn might cause to an actor compared to someone who works behind a desk for a living. This is another complex aspect of the burn injury litigation process in Pennsauken that an experienced lawyer can help you untangle.

Get in Touch with a Pennsauken Burn Injury Attorney Today

Being burned because of a minor mistake in the kitchen or because you got too close to a hot surface at work can be bad enough, but suffering permanent disfigurement because of someone else’s negligence can be infuriating on top of excruciating. Fortunately, you have guidance available from well-known local legal professionals with a track record of winning cases like yours in the past.

A private conversation with a Pennsauken burn injury lawyer will give you answers to important questions and confidence about the next steps to take toward civil recovery. Call Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers today to get started on your potential claim.