In theory, driving should be a perfectly safe activity since there are traffic patterns and state laws designed to cover every possible situation where two drivers might be confused about who should go first or where they should direct their vehicles. In reality, thousands of auto accidents happen every day specifically because someone went into an intersection out of turn, merged without looking, or otherwise acted irresponsibly behind the wheel.
Suing over these sorts of side-impact car accidents in Eatontown can be crucial to protecting your financial security and personal best interests, but it can also be much more complicated than many people expect. If you want to effectively enforce your rights after being hurt in a T-bone or sideswipe collision, you should make contacting and hiring a seasoned auto accident lawyer one of your top priorities.
What Makes Side-Impact Collisions So Dangerous?
While impacts to the front and rear of a standard passenger car can be dangerous, you have the frame of the vehicle itself protecting you from taking the full force of that impact. However, getting T-boned means there’s relatively little separating your body from the mass of metal the car hitting you, which makes wrecks like this uniquely dangerous and all too often deadly.
By comparison, sideswipe collisions, where one vehicle swipes or bumps against the side of another, are not quite as dangerous at the moment of impact. However, Eatontown side-impact car crashes of this nature can still cause serious harm if they lead to your vehicle swerving off the road or into nearby obstacles. They can still serve as grounds for civil litigation if they lead to you sustaining a serious injury.
Holding Someone Else Liable for Specific Damages
Civil liability for the injuries and losses you’ve suffered because of your wreck will fall on whoever directly caused the crash through their own negligent behavior. Depending on the circumstances, legally actionable negligence can be anything from an overtly illegal act like drunk driving to a comparatively minor traffic offense like speeding.
Regardless of how someone else was negligent leading up to a side-impact car wreck in Eatontown, the fact that they were negligent makes them financially liable for every form of harm that incident will cause you, including:
- Physical pain and suffering
- Emotional trauma and distress
- Loss of life’s pleasures
- Car repair or replacement costs and medical bills not already covered by insurance
- Lost work wages, benefits, and long-term earning potential
Support from experienced legal counsel can be essential to getting the most money possible for all the losses you have suffered from your specific crash.
Contact an Eatontown Attorney for Help with a Side-Impact Car Accident Claim
Getting T-boned or sideswiped can lead to physical, financial, and personal losses that alter the course of your whole life. Demanding fair compensation from the person responsible for your wreck can be a matter of protecting yourself in the short term and preserving your overall quality of life for years to come.
You have help available from winning attorneys to get the best possible case outcome following a side-impact car accident in Eatontown. Learn more by calling Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers today.