Are You Sure Your Baby is Safe?
Baby equipment can be expensive. It is possible to find good deals online, at yard sales and at thrift shops. However, as an accidental death lawyer, I recommend that you know what you are purchasing and that you research whether any recalls have been issued. Why You Should Research Baby Equipment Recently, a Lancaster family […]
Limited Tort
Insurance adjusters are employed by companies who profit from scaring you away from making a claim, when they would otherwise be responsible for paying you. Many people contact us because they’ve been in an automobile accident and they chose the “limited tort” option on their insurance policy. The insurance company said that they are not […]
How Old is Too Old to Drive?
The answer to that question is not a chronological age but rather a combination of factors that may make an older person dangerous to themselves or to others. If your loved one is experiencing any of the following signs then it might be time for him to stop driving and to start taking alternative forms […]
When to Report an Accident to the Police
If you witness an accident, or if you are involved in a relatively minor accident, you might be wondering whether you should contact the police. Some people are naturally hesitant to involve the authorities if they don’t have to. Other people believe that the costs related to the accident can be resolved amicably with the […]
Will Pennsylvania Reconsider a Motorcycle Helmet Law?
In 2003, Pennsylvania changed its motorcycle helmet law. Now, a rider who is 21 years or older, has 2 or more years experience riding a motorcycle, and passes a safety course can decide for himself whether or not to wear a helmet. State law does not require it. Pennsylvania is not alone. Historically nearly all […]
How To Keep Your Children Safe in the Car: Pennsylvania Car Seat Laws
Approximately 7,000 children under the age of five are involved in Pennsylvania car crashes each year, according to the Pennsylvania Driver’s Manual published by the Pennsylvania Department of Motor Vehicles. For the safety of all children, ages birth – 18, Pennsylvania has enacted child restraint laws. Pennsylvania Child Restraint Laws Children Under the Age of […]
How Many Teens are Driving Distracted?
We talk a lot about the dangers of distracted driving and with good reason. Distracted driving can be deadly. We’ve analyzed a lot of statistics that come out from various sources in an attempt to understand how best to combat the problem of distracted driving in Pennsylvania. Of all the distracted driving statistics we’ve read, […]
7 Summer Safety Tips for Pennsylvania Drivers
Are you getting ready for a summer road trip? Will you be spending more time traveling to and from picnics and parties? Many Pennsylvanians spend more time driving in the summer months than they do during other seasons. However, while the ice and snow are (thankfully!) gone, summer does bring its own special driving hazards. […]
Jon Ostroff Understands the Pain of Loosing a Loved One
Once you’ve received that phone call, that phone call where a doctor or police officer tells you that your spouse, your parent, or your child is dead, your life changes. You, and your family, are immediately spun into the chaos of grieving. You have to figure out how to live without your loved one. It […]
30 Days to Settle™
Is the Insurance Company Purposely Delaying your Claim? You were injured in a Pennsylvania car accident. At first, your insurance company was very responsive. They offered you a settlement the week after the crash. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough to cover your bills. Months later, you are still waiting for your case to be resolved. You’re […]