
Wrong Way Driving Accidents are a Serious Danger Caused by Drunk Drivers

Wrong Way Driving Accidents are a Serious Danger Caused by Drunk Drivers

For years, engineers and traffic safety experts have tried to protect motorists from the significant danger of driving the wrong way. Carefully placed easy to understand signs and road engineering all try to prevent wrong way driving accidents.

However, research indicates that for a drunk driver, those signs and engineering safety provisions are inadequate. While confused or elderly drivers may also get on a road the wrong way, they typically pull over quickly and realize their mistake. That may not be so for drunk drivers.

New Technology

Some states are experimenting with high-tech devices that could prevent or deter wrong way drivers. Much of the technology, however, is years away from implementation.

In the meantime, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is doing a nationwide study on wrong way driving. It’s an area that the federal government believes is a significant problem resulting from drunk driving.

Contact an Attorney

If you have been hurt, or a loved one has been killed, in a wrong way driving accident then please call experienced accident and injury lawyers who will fight hard for your fair and just recovery.