Will Your Child Be Safe When You Go On Pennsylvania Amusement Rides This Summer?
The days are longer, the temperatures are warmer, and the warm weather attractions are beginning to open in our region. As the Pennsylvania amusement parks and mobile carnivals begin to open, it is important to be aware not only of the fun your child might have and the price of souvenirs, but also of the potential risks of injury at a Pennsylvania amusement park.
A new study published in the journal Clinical Pediatrics has found that approximately 4,400 children are injured on amusement rides every year. Approximately 70% of these injuries occur during the summer months. On an average summer day, more than 20 kids get hurt on amusement rides.
The most common injuries include injuries to the:
• Head or neck (28%)
• Arms (24%)
• Face (18%)
• Legs (17%)
The most common types of injuries include:
• Soft tissue injuries (29%)
• Strains and sprains (21%)
• Cuts (20%)
• Broken bones (10%)
The most common reasons for injuries include:
• Falls (32%)
• Hitting a body part or getting hit by something while on a ride (18%)
If your child suffers an injury at a Pennsylvania amusement park, carnival or anywhere else where there is a ride this summer then we encourage you to contact an experienced Pennsylvania amusement park injury lawyer today for more information about your rights.